Minutes, Town Meeting

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Meeting date: 
Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Pro Tempore (MPT) Jason Papanikolas, presiding, Councilmembers (CMs) Amanda Dewey, Jeffrey Jay Osmond, and Ethan Sweep. Mayor Stephen Isler had an excused absence. Also present were Town Manager (TM) Maria Broadbent, Clerk Kerstin Harper and citizens.

1.  Approval of Agenda
CM Dewey moved and CM Sweep seconded to approve the agenda. The motion passed 4 to 0.

2.  Approval of Minutes
CM Sweep moved, and CM Dewey seconded to approve the November 13, 2019 Town meeting minutes. The motion passed 4 to 0.

3.  Mayor’s Report
There was none, as Mayor Isler was absent.

4.  Department Reports
MPT Papanikolas entertained a motion to receive all department reports for the record. CM Dewey so moved. CM Sweep seconded. The motion passed 4 to 0.

Administration: MPT Papanikolas reported that the second police vehicle budgeted for this year has been ordered. The RFP for an architectural and engineering study to explore the feasibility of expanding the Town office building to accommodate a police station will be published on the MML website and the Town website shortly. He asked TM Broadbent about Pepco’s upcoming vegetation management project. TM Broadbent said Pepco plans to perform regular maintenance pruning of trees along the major transmission lines. Pepco also agreed to plant additional evergreen trees in the Edmonston Road right of way to provide a better screen for Kenilworth Avenue.

Code Compliance: CM Osmond said a candidate for the 2nd code officer has been identified and asked when he is likely to start. TM Broadbent said the candidate should start within a couple of weeks after background checks have been completed.

Parks, Recreation, Education & Civic Affairs: CM Dewey reported she attended a Climate Leadership Academy for local elected officials in Annapolis yesterday. It was attended by several Maryland department secretaries and provided useful planning and investment tools for municipalities to consider in the context of a changing climate. Town organizations have been notified to submit their budget requests for FY 2021 and results of the Town survey conducted in November and December 2019 will be discussed at the January 27 worksession.

Public Works: CM Sweep reported that the leaf collection machine should be back on the street in the next couple of days after undergoing repairs. The refuse truck the Town purchased last fall is in the process of being built. TM Broadbent noted that the Public Works crew did a good job responding to first snow event and came in Monday night to apply salt to roads. At some point, the Town may want to consider pre-treating roads for snow events.

Police Department: MPT Papanikolas said that there will be no police report tonight since Mayor Isler is not here. However, BHPD has provided both a monthly and 10-year report residents can pick up and review at their leisure.

5.  Committee Reports
Education Advisory Committee: CM Dewey reported that the Education Advisory Committee will next meet on January 27 and will prepare for their next listening session. Meanwhile, everyone is welcome to submit comments and concerns via email to thebheac@gmail.com.

MPT Papanikolas announced that the PTA postponed its meeting because of snow until the coming Tuesday. There will be a presentation on positive behavior intervention system, the disciplinary approach used at Berwyn Heights Elementary School that focuses on reinforcing good behavior instead of punishing bad behavior.

Green Team: CM Dewey announced that applications for a community garden plot will come out in February. Interested residents can rent a plot for $30 a year and become member of a great gardening community. The Green Team and Administration is also starting to think about spring tree planting and is accepting proposals as to where trees might be planted on public land as well as request for having the Town plant trees on private property. On February 16, the Green Team in collaboration with a student group at the University of Maryland is hosting a climate leadership workshop entitled “Drawdown”, which focuses on positive and practical approaches to addressing climate change.

Historical Committee: Clerk Harper reported that the Historical Committee published a set of photos of Berwyn Heights in the early 1960s in the January Bulletin. The photos were rescued from the roadside after a house cleanout by a resident who donated them to the BHHC.

Neighborhood Watch/Emergency Preparedness: CM Dewey said she heard that the bio-hazard workshop hosted by the Berwyn Heights and Anne Arundel CERT teams went well. MPT Papanikolas said he had planned to attend but family obligations intervened.

Recreation Council: Angie Wolfinger gave the report. She announced a regifting party on January 11, and a Valentine’s Day card and cookie decorating event. In response to CM Dewey, Ms. Wolfinger said the Recreation Council is starting to plan for the next Berwyn Heights Day. Ideas for new activities and offers of help are welcome. Residents and Town organizations are encouraged to start thinking about entering the parade. Cash prizes will be awarded for the top 3 entries.

6.  Unfinished Business
There was none.

7.  New Business
There was none. CM Dewey announced that the Town is looking for a part-time public information aide following the resignation of Tiffany Minor. Further, the Town is looking for residents to apply for election judge positions and to run for Town Council. TM Broadbent announced she will soon put out a call for volunteers to serve on an RFP screening committee regarding the Town Office architectural and engineering study. Applicants should have experience in construction, architecture, engineering, or a related field.

8.  Citizen Discussion
Angie Wolfinger said there has been a long-running discussion about ticketing at the Lake Artemesia parking lot on the NextDoor platform. Many residents from neighboring communities have complained about receiving citations from the police for parking at the lot after dusk while making their way out of the park. She asked if a change has been made in the way parking is enforced there.

In the ensuing discussion, the Council and Town Manager made following points: Park Police and Berwyn Heights Police both issue tickets in this parking lot. The Town does not monitor NextDoor or respond to comments made on it. Some comments on NextDoor go back to last summer, when people frequent the park at later hours or attend events taking place there. Park rules say the park closes at sunset, not after dark. Park rules apply to the park as well as the parking lot. Park & Planning might be asked whether the rules can be modified to allow for longer parking or, alternatively, have clearer signage posted.

Phil Ventura, 57th Avenue, said he thinks Berwyn Heights officers should patrol the Town and monitor stop signs rather than issue tickets in the Lake Artemesia parking lot. Ms. Wolfinger agreed saying that running of stop signs is a greater safety issue than parking at dusk. She is looking forward to hearing the recommendations of the Walkable, Bikeable Berwyn Heights Task Force (WBBH), but wonders if they will produce the results that have eluded previous committees dealing with traffic issues.

Council replied WBBH has been studying problem locations but will also make recommendations about traffic enforcement. The Town has responded to citizens’ recommendations, such as those made by the Quality of Life Commission. Mobile speed monitors and speed guns were purchased last summer to better enforce speeding. But not all recommendations are realistic and need to be vetted for budget implications and legal requirements.

Jodie Kulpa Eddy, Ruatan Street, said previous Councils have also responded to recommendations by citizen committees, which include construction of sidewalks, installation of crosswalks and ‘Stop for Pedestrians in the Road’ signs, for example. Further, Ms. Kulpa-Eddy noted she did not see Public Works on her street following the snow event.  However, the street sweeper was out the following day and would have swept up any salt spread on the roadway. Lastly, she announced another Team Trivia Night held on February 21 hosted in conjunction with the Movie Club and focusing on entertainment.

Phil Ventura further commented that the not so old Town Center elevator may have some life left in it; that some Berwyn Heights officers have different practices when patrolling the Town; that refuse truck drivers do not always come to a complete stop at stop signs; and that new recycling bins are being handled carelessly by residents.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 p.m.

Signed: Kerstin Harper, Town Clerk