Town Meeting

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Wednesday, August 9, 2023 - 7:00pm

Town Meeting Agenda
Town Council Chambers 
August 9, 2023| 7:00 p.m.
Agenda subject to change based on outcomes of 8/7/23 Worksession.
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance

1. Announcements 

2. Approval of Agenda 

3. Consent
50th Council Project Tracking
Department Reports
a. Administration/ Treasurer
b. Code Compliance
c. Police
d. Public Works

4. Mayor & Councilmember Reports

5. Committee Reports
a. Education Advisory Committee 
b. Green Team 
c. Historical Committee 
d. Neighborhood Watch/ Emergency Preparedness 
e. Recreation Council 

6. Old Business 

7. New Business
a. Introduction Ordinance 189A (ARPA Budget Amendment)-pending outcomes of 8/7/23 WS
b. Approval of Town Manager Contract

8. Resident & Community Comments
10.    Adjournment

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