Help Those in Need by Donating to Energy Assistance Programs This Giving Tuesday

Programs offer assistance to those struggling to pay their energy bill during the winter months and the ongoing health pandemic

Good Neighbor Energy Fund

Through the Good Neighbor Energy Fund, customers can donate to local organizations to provide payment assistance to low-income customers struggling to pay their winter energy bills; the Greater Washington Urban League in the District of Columbia and Interfaith Works and Mary’s Center in Maryland. Donated funds are then disbursed to qualified recipients. Along with donations from customers, Pepco matches dollar-for-dollar, up to $100,000 annually. For more information, or to make a contribution, of Columbia)or

Gift of Energy

Through the Gift of Energy program, anyone can make a payment toward a Pepco customer’s energy bill. The Gift of Energy is an easy way to support someone you care for this year—all from the safety and comfort of your home. All that is needed to successfully make a payment on behalf of someone else is the customer’s name and address or phone number associated with the account. The gift will appear on the recipient’s future energy bill as a credit. Those interested in making a purchase can either do so online or by calling 202-833-7500