
Meeting date: 
Monday, May 15, 2023

Work Session Agenda
May 15, 2023| 7:00 p.m.
Council Chamber

Call to Order
Mayor Jodie Kulpa-Eddy called the meeting to order at 7PM.  Present were Mayor Pro Tem Chris Brittan-Powell and Councilmember Faustino Menjivar.  Staff present were Interim Town Manager Peter Jones and Town Clerk Melanie Friesen.  Mr. Andrew Fellows from the University of Maryland was present as were Mr. Terry Quattlebaum, Mr. Leon Swain, and Ms. Therest Segears from the Cornerstone Grand Council.  Ms. Cynthia Jackson from the Berwyn Heights Community Center joined remotely.  

Approval of the Agenda
MPT Brittan-Powell moved to approve the agenda.  CM Menjivar seconded.  During discussion, MPT Brittan-Powell moved to amend the agenda to include an item on the School of Public Health Proposal, stating that in his conversations with SPH they indicated that the Town had already missed deadlines.  Mayor Kulpa-Eddy stated that it is her understanding there were no deadlines that were pending and that this topic could wait to be placed on the May 25th meeting (focused on ARPA projects).  CM Menjivar seconded the motion to add the item.  The motion was passed 2:1 with Mayor Kulpa-Eddy opposed.  MPT Brittan-Powell moved to add an additional item on ARPA project planning.  CM Menjivar seconded.  The motion passed 2:1 with Mayor Kulpa-Eddy opposed.

1. Mayor
a. Announcements 
Mayor Kulpa-Eddy stated that Councilmembers Shinita Hemby and Jason Papanikolas had excused absences.  MPT Brittan-Powell thanked several people who had helped the pancake breakfast go well.    
b. Calendar 
Mayor Kulpa-Eddy shared that there was consensus for a 7PM start of the May 25th meeting to discuss ARPA projects, planning, and budget.  CM Menjivar stated that he was not available on May 25th but could be available for May 24th.  MPT Brittan-Powell stated that he also might not be available on the 25th.  Mayor Kulpa-Eddy stated that there were presenters for the 25th that would not be available on the 24th.  There was continued discussion on the possibility of moving the meeting.  CM Hemby and CM Papanikolas had both texted they were available to start at 7PM on May 25th, ensuring a quorum would be present.   
c. Presentation: Andrew Fellows, Stormwater Management Projects
Mr. Andrew Fellow introduced himself and shared his experience and work history.  He informed the Council of several opportunities that are available through the University of Maryland that can help with the stormwater projects and planning.  He highlighted that the County is one of the best in the Country on stormwater and there could be some good partnerships and expertise to utilize there.  He stated the Town has some very interesting topography regarding water management. He reviewed how the University’s Environmental Finance Center and Sustainable Maryland program can help with finding financial resources.  He added that the Town has been a leader in rain gardens, and encouraged private property owners to install rain gardens, stating that one alone doesn’t do much, but altogether they can make a significant impact on the amount of water that reaches storm drains during a storm.  He added there could be several innovative things that could be done in commercial spaces.  MPT Brittan-Powell expressed concern about the possibility of Indian Creek flooding.  Mr. Fellows stated that with the climate crisis, flooding will be getting worse.  Mayor Kulpa-Eddy asked about working with other municipalities.  Mr. Fellows stated that there is a loose consortium of municipalities that is organized by the Environmental Finance Center.  He added that the Chesapeake Bay Trust is particularly interested in serving the Anacostia watershed and there could be finance opportunities there.  He encouraged innovative projects.  CM Menjivar asked about the infrastructure needs.  Mayor Kulpa-Eddy reviewed the hydrologic and hydraulic studies that have been done to date.  Mr. Fellows also advocated for the Council to reach out to our County Councilmembers as well.   
d. Discussion: Boys and Girls Club & BHCC, Activity Options for Young People
Ms. Cynthia Jackson from the Berwyn Heights Community Center joined remotely.  The Boys and Girls Club was unable to send a representative.  Ms. Jackson stated she is happy to come again when the rest of the Council is available.  She shared that the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission (MNCPPC) is always willing to help with programing, but that since the MNCPPC plans several months in advance, they are not able to do things at the last minute.  Ms. Jackson shared extensively about the summer programs at the Community Center.  She highlighted the discounts available to households with eligible income levels.  She reviewed evening activities, such as “Because it Matters, Manners” classes, t-ball, basketball, hockey, cheerleading, and dance.  There are also evening STEAM classes.  She reviewed the summer “Playground” program which offers activities from 9AM-3:30PM, weekdays, for five straight weeks during the summer.  BHCC will be a “Playground” site this summer.  While there is no fee assistance for this program, if families have an EBT card, there is a percentage off the registration fee.  Council asked about programs for teens.  Ms. Jackson indicated that some of the teens who have been involved are aging out and they need new young teens to become involved.  MPT Brittan-Powell asked what kind of space she would like to have available.  Ms. Jackson shared her dream expansion that involved having access to the tennis and basketball courts outside, as well as an expanded building.  She commented there is a need for expanded restroom facilities.  When asked about programs for young adults, Ms. Jackson stated that she needs to know what activities would actually get folks to attend and she can work to make them happen.  CM Menjivar asked about the Teen Night on Fridays.  Ms. Jackson confirmed that these events are still happening from 7-10PM every Friday and are available for ages 10-17, adding that the program needs more 10–14-year-olds involved.  
e. Discussion: Cornerstone Grand Council (nonprofit organization) Town Assistance
Mr. Terry Quattlebaum of the Cornerstone Grand Council spoke with the Town Council about ways that the Grand Council might be able to assist the Town with some of their goals.  He reviewed his work history at Walter Reed Medical Center and how his experiences there translated to the philanthropy of Cornerstone Grand Council.  He shared that he heard several needs during the presentation from the Berwyn Heights Community Center that they could help meet.  He highlighted they are a 501(c)(8) organization.  He reviewed a proposed model in which the Town would oversee services, but that the services could be facilitated by the Cornerstone Grand Council.  He emphasized that they are able to do so much more than just a brunch and a fish fry.  He also emphasized tapping into resources such as the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce as 42% of the Town is Hispanic.  He added focus on helping veterans and their families.  
Mayor Kulpa-Eddy pointed out the Cornerstone Grand Council is the organization that facilitated the Black History Month event in February.  Mr. Swain stated that they are here to help in whatever way the Community wants.  MPT Brittan-Powell stated that he realizes that the Town is not equipped to accept the assistance being offered.  ITM Jones shared that we do not need anything formal but the Town needs to provide a sense of the direction for this group so they can see how they might fit in.  Mr. Quattlebaum indicated that the model proposed is fluid.  MPT Brittan-Powell suggested that this be reengaged after the Needs Assessment is completed. Mayor Kulpa-Eddy stated there is a need for more cultural activities and at a minimum, this could be a starter project to introduce them to the Town.  CM Menjivar expressed that he would like to have their contact information for follow up.     

f. Resident Comments 
Resident Kenneth Whitlow emailed in a statement expressing that he appreciated what Mr. Quattlebaum was saying and that he would like to see a job and career fair in Town.  
MPT Brittan-Powell stated he had an email from a resident asking to see more Town activities.  Mayor Kulpa-Eddy responded that if residents have ideas for more Town activities, to reach out and  participate in seeing them come to fruition. 

2. Administration
MPT Brittan-Powell shared that Administration is in a bit of a decompression time after the busy budget season.  He asked about the Residential Stormwater Mitigation Grant.  ITM Jones shared that Town Attorney Ferguson had a few comments.  There was discussion that the answers to her questions could be found in previous meetings, and it was determined to review those decisions rather than have additional discussion.  Mayor Kulpa-Eddy added that when TA Ferguson confirms the application is approved, it will be released to residents.  
a. Town Manager Search update.  
Mayor Kulpa-Eddy responded to MPT Brittan-Powell’s request to share the schedule of the Town Manager search.  She reviewed that the contract for ITM Jones ends on June 30th, but there may be possibility of extending it if needed.  The deadline for applying for the TM position is May 31st.  MPT Brittan-Powell requested a list of dates on when certain deadlines will be met in the hiring process.  Mayor Kulpa-Eddy added that there will be information in the June Bulletin recruiting for a panel of residents to interview the candidates.  CM Menjivar asked if there were any candidates to date.  Mayor Kulpa-Eddy stated that there have not been any that have been shared.
b. ARPA Process Discussion
MPT Brittan-Powell shared a spreadsheet with a list of projects he identified from previous meetings.  Mayor Kulpa-Eddy noted that the list shared is not comprehensive.  MPT Brittan-Powell stated that he had sent it to Council and asked for input.  They discussed the list and its completeness.  MPT Brittan-Powell would like Council to identify how they would like group projects; for example, take each project individually or to group them as “like” projects. The pros and cons of each approach were briefly discussed.  CM Menjivar asked what the goal of the discussion is.  MPT Brittan-Powell stated that it was to be prepared for the ARPA meeting.  CM Menjivar stated that he was going to need some time to digest the list before providing comment.      
c. School of Public Health Proposal 
MPT Brittan-Powell stated that the Town needs to make a decision on the project.  Mayor Kulpa-Eddy replied that she believed that the Town already had made a decision on the project by signing the MOU.  MPT Brittan-Powell would like to add a scope of work to advance Latino and immigrant communities.  Mayor Kulpa-Eddy expressed she believes the scope should emphasize identifying and creating a sense of community among all residents in Berwyn Heights.  There was discussion on adding an additional scope of work to the project, but it was realized this could require a new proposal and delay the start of the project.  Mayor Kulpa-Eddy reviewed that she will be meeting with ITM Jones the following day regarding the proposal.  MPT Brittan-Powell asked to formally state to the School of Public Health that we agree with their timeline.  Mayor Kulpa-Eddy replied that they can confirm with the SPH that we are ready to advance with their timeline which begins in July/August.   
3. Code Compliance 
There was no Code Compliance Report. 

4. Parks, Recreation, Education, and Civic Affairs 
There was no PRECA report. 

5. Public Safety (5 minutes)
Mayor Kulpa-Eddy reviewed the last day of school for students will by Tuesday, June 13, highlighting early dismissal on both June 12th and 13th, and encouraging residents to drive carefully and watch out for students.  She also shared the NW/EP Committee is holding a training class on June 20th covering hands-only CPR, use of an AED, and the PulsePoint App from 6-8PM at the Town Center. 

6. Public Works 
CM Menjivar reviewed that after Berwyn Heights Day, Public Works is focusing on maintenance.  He added that he stopped by the WSSC work site on Edmonston Road.  He stated that now that he has seen the project he understands why it was taking so long, as special fittings had to be installed.  The project is getting closer to conclusion.  ITM Jones added that WSSC won’t pave all of Edmonston until all the small projects are done. Mayor Kulpa-Eddy suggested that Director Pudner or his appointee take pictures of all phases of the work to review and ensure it is being completed satisfactorily. 

7. Adjournment 

MPT Brittan-Powell moved to adjourn the meeting.  CM Menjivar seconded.  With no discussion, the motion passed unanimously, and the meeting adjourned at 9:19pm.