Town Meeting

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Meeting date: 
Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Town Meeting Minutes

Town Council Chamber

December 14, 2022 | 7:00 p.m.


Call to order

Mayor Kulpa-Eddy called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.  Present were Mayor Pro Tem Chris Brittan-Powell, Councilmember Shinita Hemby, and Councilmember Jason Papanikolas.  Town Clerk Melanie Friesen was present as were residents of the Town of Berwyn Heights. 


Pledge of Allegiance


  1. Announcements

Mayor Kulpa-Eddy announced that Councilmember Faustino Menjivar had an excused absence.  She reported that Council had met in Executive Session on December 12, 2022.  CM Hemby moved to close the meeting, seconded by CM Papanikolas.  The motion passed 4:0. The meeting closed at 6:01PM with Mayor Kulpa-Eddy, MPT Brittan-Powell, CM Hemby, CM Papanikolas present.  CM Menjivar was absent.  Council met under the exception in Article § 3-305(b)(1): To discuss the appointment, employment, assignment, promotion, discipline, demotion, compensation, removal, resignation, or performance evaluation of an appointee, employee, or official over whom this public body has jurisdiction; or any other personnel matter that affects one or more specific individuals. The meeting concluded at 9:27PM.  Council interviewed candidates for the interim Town Manager position.  The Council reached a consensus to offer the position to one of the candidates interviewed and is in negotiations with them. 

MPT Brittan-Powell mentioned the Winter Storm Warning overnight.   


  1. Approval of Agenda

CM Papanikolas moved to approve the agenda.  CM Hemby seconded.  During discussion MPT Brittan-Powell sought clarification on item 8b, confirming that this was an introduction of the Emergency Assistance Fund and the corresponding budget amendment.  The motion passed unanimously. 


  1. Public Hearing Ordinance 106: Comcast Cable Franchise Agreement

Mayor Kulpa-Eddy reviewed Ordinance 106 and how this will require Comcast  to continue to provide all existing benefits for the next 10 years, including the Town’s Comcast cable channel and I-net internet access.  She opened the Public Hearing at 7:07PM. No residents commented.  MPT Brittan-Powell stated that he’s been asked if this agreement restricts the broadband in Town.  Mayor Kulpa-Eddy replied that it does not and mentioned that the Town also has an agreement with Verizon.  The hearing closed at 7:09PM.


  1. Consent

MPT Brittan-Powell moved to approve the consent agenda.  CM Papanikolas seconded.  In discussion, MPT Brittan-Powell questioned a portion of the November 9, 2022 minutes, specifically item 7b. He expressed concern that this portion does not properly reflect Robert’s Rules, where if a motion does not have a second it is as though it was never considered by the Council.  In lieu of amending the November 9th minutes, the minutes from this meeting reflect that proper procedure. The motion to approve the consent agenda passed unanimously, 4:0.


  1. Mayor & Councilmember Reports

Mayor Kulpa-Eddy reported that she had only one recent meeting, which was the PGCMA Legislative Meet-and-Greet.  CM Papanikolas also attended.  They were able to meet with legislators from across the County and State and discuss concerns such as noise cameras and stormwater management. She then wished everyone a happy holiday season. 

MPT Brittan-Powell expressed appreciation for all the volunteers and employees from Public Works who contributed to a successful tree lighting party.  He thanked the Administrative staff for the extra work they have picked up between Town Managers.  He also thanked the Mayor for all the additional work she has done as well.  He wished everyone blessings for the holiday season, encouraging safe interactions and to keep up with current vaccines.

CM Hemby expressed gratitude for the residents in Berwyn Heights and is looking forward to seeing everyone in the new year.

CM Papanikolas also shared holiday wishes and has personally been uplifted this holiday season. He added it’s nice to see people being able to get out and enjoy the holidays together. 

MPT Brittan-Powell also wanted residents to know that there are matters before the Council that have been put on-hold until a Town Manager has been hired.  Mayor Kulpa-Eddy also expressed that some matters still need to be fully realized.

Mayor Kulpa-Eddy gave a brief Public Works update including that leaf collection is going well and that street repaving is complete.  She complimented the work done with the holiday lights at Town Hall.  She reported that crews are prepared and reporting early to respond to the pending winter storm.  MPT Brittan-Powell shared good wishes for Luis Cardenas who will be leaving Town employment. 


  1. Committee Reports
  1. Education Advisory Committee: CM Papanikolas reported that the EAC is still on hiatus.
  2. Green Team: Paul Kavanaugh shared that the Green Team has been focused on planning projects for 2023, including developin bilingual educational signage and updating their website.  They are looking to hold events focused on stormwater, removal of invasive plants, and more.  Additionally, they are collecting old and broken holiday lights to be recycled. The Green Team is always open to suggestions and feedback.  
  3. Historical Committee: CM Papanikolas shared that the Historical Committee participated as a team for trivia night.  They are planning another wine and cheese event in the spring.  They are also hoping to begin editing existing footage for the oral history project, with hopes to finish in 2023.  Their next meeting will be January 25th.
  4. Neighborhood Watch/ Emergency Preparedness: CM Papanikolas shared that NW/EP is planning to try and get some trainings scheduled in the next calendar year, including basic first aid and CPR/AED. The next meeting would be Jan 4th if there are no changes.  Mayor Kulpa-Eddy said that they are still trying to secure a vendor for a Townwide shredding event in January.
  5. Recreation Council: Mayor Kulpa-Eddy reported that the tree lighting event went well with great weather.  She expressed apologies for miscommunication on the timing of the event as some old yard signs said it went from 6-8PM and this year it went from 6-7PM.  The Rec Council is planning for a “post-holiday party with a regifting game” in the New Year.


  1. Old Business
  1. Adoption of Ordinance 106

MPT Brittan-Powell moved to waive the second reading and adopt Ordinance 106.  CM Hemby seconded.  MPT Brittan-Powell thanked the Mayor for moving this forward during a demanding time.  After no further comment the motion passed unanimously, 4:0.


  1. New Business
  1. Introduction and First Reading of updated Ordinance 110-Ethics

Mayor Kulpa-Eddy reviewed the purpose of the updated ordinance and the changes that are being required by the State of Maryland.  CM Papanikolas moved to waive the first reading and introduce Ordinance 110.  CM Hemby seconded the motion.  In discussion MPT Brittan-Powell offered that the changes being required are the result of issues that happened elsewhere, but that the Town is simply required to comply.  The motion passed unanimously, 4:0.

The Public Hearing on the Ordinance will be during the January Town Meeting.


  1. Berwyn Heights Emergency Assistance Fund Program

CM Papanikolas introduced the program that the Council has been working on since August.  He summarized that there are residents in Town who don’t have the resources to weather an emergency such as short-term housing needs.  This program would grant $1,000 to residents who apply for the grant.  He also shared that Ordinance 185C is being presented to fund the program.  CM Hemby moved to introduce the Berwyn Heights Emergency Assistance Fund Program.  MPT Brittan-Powell seconded.  During discussion, MPT Brittan-Powell asked if there was a limit on income or need.  He also asked how applications would be considered if several applications are received nearly simultaneously.  CM Papanikolas shared that there is not a limit on income.  He also stated that they would have to figure it out at that time if many applications are received closely together.  Mayor Kulpa-Eddy clarified that the Town Attorney stated that they could only do “first come, first served” or base prioritization on income or need, but trying to do both would not work.  MPT Brittan-Powell asked where the number $50,000 came from as he thought it was decided to start the fund smaller and increase if needed.  CM Papanikolas replied this was discussed  during a worksession in which MPT Brittan-Powell was absent.    There was discussion on the issue of the fund being a “last resort” vs a stop-gap measure.  MPT Brittan-Powell asked about how this accounts for personal responsibility.  CM Papanikolas stated that every applicant will have to affirm they have properly insured their belongings and that if they have not it, would be considered fraud and there would be legal consequences.  He continued that there needs to be an education component where residents are informed about all the insurance options available to them.  Mayor Kulpa-Eddy highlighted this fund comes out of the Town’s savings account, and that in a worst-case scenario, the Town may have to raise property taxes in order to keep in funded, especially if it is continually depleted.  A Public Hearing will be held at the January 2023 Town Meeting.  The motion to introduce the program (description, application and funding via Ordinance 185-C) passed unanimously, 4:0.


  1. Prioritizing Collaboration Projects with UMD-Campus Community Connection Program

Mayor Kulpa-Eddy reviewed that Mr. Andrew Fellows had presented at a previous worksession.  At the time, the Council had no projects to submit.  Since then, MPT Brittan-Powell has suggested a project, which would focus on communicating with residents on stormwater management and concerns.  Mayor Kulpa-Eddy stated that this could fall under “Improved Residential Engagement” on the previously proposed project list.  She reminded the Council that a proposal does not mean that the project will be chosen by the students, as they choose from among the proposed projects submitted by all participating municipalities.  She opened the floor to other suggested projects.  There were none.  Mayor Kulpa-Eddy asked for a motion to prioritize the “Informing the community of what they can do about stormwater management and mitigation” project.  MPT Brittan-Powell made the motion.  CM Papanikolas seconded.  The motion passed 3:0:1, with CM Hemby abstaining. 

  1. Resident & Community Comments

Resident Paul Kavanaugh presented Council with paperwork that he would like to see become part of the public record.  This paperwork asked several questions of the Council.  He stated that his family moved to Berwyn Heights for the Town’s commitment to sustainability and to Prince George’s County due to the demographics of the community.  He commented on how one tree adds $57,000 of value to the residents in the Town.  He added that he was disappointed in the Town’s lack of participation in Hispanic, Indigenous, and Black Heritage months. 

There were no further resident comments.


9.    Adjournment

CM Papanikolas moved to adjourn the meeting.  CM Hemby seconded.  After no discussion, the motion passed unanimously, and the meeting adjourned at 8:06PM.