Budget Worksession

Meeting date: 
Saturday, March 4, 2023

Call to Order

Mayor Jodie Kulpa-Eddy let residents know that the meeting start time was being delayed briefly due to technical difficulties.  She called the meeting to order at 9:08AM.

Present were Councilmember Shinita Hemby, Councilmember Faustino Menjivar, with Councilmember Jason Papanikolas attending remotely via telephone.  Mayor Pro-Tempore Brittan-Powell joined by Zoom at 9:24AM, at which time CM Papanikolas joined via Zoom as well.  Also present were Interim Town Manager Peter Jones, Town Clerk Melanie Friesen, Town Treasurer Mike Lightfield, Code Compliance Director Hollyce Goodwin, Chief of Police Kenneth Antolik and Lieutenant Daniel Unger, and Public Works Director Brad Pudner. 


  1. Approval of Agenda

CM Menjivar moved to approve the agenda.  CM Hemby seconded.  After no discussion, the motion passed unanimously 4:0 as MPT Brittan-Powell had not yet joined the meeting. 


  1. FY2024 Budget Presentation, ITM Jones
  1. Budget Summary Memo (Enhancements, Tax Rates)


ITM Jones reviewed the summary budget memo, highlighting a proposed across-the-board COLA salary increase for staff of 2%, citing the high inflation rate experienced over the last two years.He shared his recommendation to use the Public Safety Reserve Fund to pay for a new vehicle for the Police Department, accessing the General Fund Reserve to pay for the staff salary increase.He also highlighted the addition of the Red-Light Camera program both in revenues and expenditures.

ITM Jones reviewed the two proposed revenue scenarios which include maintaining the current tax rate at $.545/$100 of assessed value or instituting the Constant Yield Tax Rate which would be a tax rate of $.5187/$100 of assessed value.There is a difference of $112,309 in potential revenue between the two scenarios.

Mayor Kulpa-Eddy asked for clarification about the budget numbers that ITM Jones is discussing, as he also shared comparisons of what the Constant Yield Tax Rate for FY23 would have been. TT Lightfield clarified that the two revenue projections for the FY24 budgets will be at FY24 Constant Yield Tax Rate (0.5187/$100) and at the current tax rate of $.545/$100 of assessed value.

ITM Jones then reviewed the FY23 adopted budget, Year-To-Date actual expenditures, and FY24 proposed budget totals for each department and highlighted comments on each department that explain the proposed changes.Mayor Kulpa-Eddy asked about the source of the revenue for the Public Safety Reserve Fund, which is being proposed as the source for a new police vehicle.TT Lightfield explained that it comes from speed camera revenue.ITM Jones shared that there is a considerable increase in the Public Works budget as there is a request for a roof repair.Additionally, in Streets and Sanitation, there is an increase based on a proposed reorganization of staff and the purchase of new vehicles and equipment.Mayor Kulpa-Eddy asked about the increases in Street Lighting.Director Pudner clarified that there was a repair to the school flashing safety light which caused the increase.TT Lightfield reviewed that the estimated actuals for the rest of the fiscal year are based on the year-to-date actuals, divided by 7 (months) and then times 12 (months).

After reviewing the major items as part of his Budget Summary, ITM Jones highlighted that there is currently about a $450,000 gap between revenues and expenditures.

  1. Real Property Tax Forecast (Revenues)

TT Lightfield shared that the forecast is based on both the current tax rate and the Constant Yield Tax Rate, and that ITM Jones has the breakdown of regular real estate tax revenue, the road repair fund, and how we capture the public safety taxing district revenues.

  1. Draft Budget Line Items (i.e., spreadsheets, including Fund Balance and Reserves)

Rather than review the entirety of the budget in this section, Mayor Kulpa-Eddy suggested that they begin to go over the departmental budgets and review line items through that process.

  1. Public Safety Taxing District

ITM Jones shared that this will be covered at another meeting as this report was not yet ready.


  1. Administration Department

ITM Jones highlighted the Administration enhancement requests, including keyless entry to Town Hall and Town Center, new windows at Town Hall, an outdoor electronic communication board, outdoor bulletin board replacements and a replacement pull-down screen for the Town Center.He noted that the replacement screen may yet be purchased during FY23.

  1. Discussion

Mayor Kulpa-Eddy asked about the air cards listed in the Mayor and Council section, wondering if these were necessary and if these costs could be reduced.She also asked about where the cost for translation services will be captured, as it will no longer be part of the Police Department expenditures.There was discussion regarding if staff would be receiving merit or COLA increases.There was discussion regarding the increase in legal expenses and how to predict those costs.Mayor Kulpa-Eddy also asked that we reach out to the utility companies and attempt to determine rate increases and incorporate those into the budget.MPT Brittan-Powell reiterated his desire from a previous meeting to add more modules to the software package the Town uses, which will increase costs.



  1. Code Compliance

Director Hollyce Goodwin shared her budget highlights for Code Compliance and shared the departmental goals for the upcoming fiscal year.She stated they plan to renew the Comcate compliance software subscription and described what they use the software for.She mentioned a desire to give staff a merit increase based on their improved performance and completion of continuing education through the International Code Council (ICC).She shared some of the neighboring communities and their COLA and merit increases as a reference. She explained that she has asked for a boost in the training line item as there are a number of classes through ICC she would like her staff to complete, such as diversity and inclusion training, situational awareness and 4th amendment training.There is also a slight increase on the line item for repairs on the Code Compliance Fleet as the vehicles are aging.