I Got a Parking Ticket for "Left Wheels To Curb," What Does That Mean?

In the State of Maryland, all vehicles are required to be parked with the Passenger (Right) Side parallel to the curb, so that when the vehicle pulls out from it's parked position, it is travelling in the same direction as other traffic on that side of the street. (The exception to this rule is for vehicles which are parked on One-Way Streets, or at the dead end of "Courts" or "Cul-de-Sacs.") Vehicles which do not park Left Wheels to Curb are not only creating a traffic hazard when pulling out, but breaking the law as well. The Town of Berwyn Heights, like many other jurisdictions who care about the safety of their residents and their visitors, enforces the Left Wheels to Curb law by the issuance of a parking ticket, with a Fine of $40.00.