Berwyn Heights Vision & Mission Statement


Whereas, the Town Council of the Town of Berwyn Heights undertook a strategic planning exercise to identify long term goals and priorities for the Town; and
Whereas, the Town Council developed a vision and a mission statement as part of the strategic planning exercise; and

Whereas, the Town Council wishes to formalize the vision and mission statements, which reads as follows:

VISION – “A safe, diverse town at the center of abundant natural beauty, with a neighborly charm and community spirit, that is welcoming to all.”
MISSION – “The Council and Staff of the Town of Berwyn Heights cultivate a high quality of life by engaging the community and delivering equitable, professional, and expeditious services to our constituents.”

Now, therefore be it resolved, that the Town Council of the Town of Berwyn Heights, this 14th day of December, 2016, hereby adopts the above vision and mission statements.

Signed: Cheryl Jewitt, Mayor of the Town of Berwyn Heights